Fundamentals of Python

Sequence: Fundamentals of Python

Sequence Summary:

In this sequence we will learn the fundamentals of scripting in Python, including working with single and multi-data variables, flow control structures like loops and conditionals, and how to create custom functions and classes.


In previous modules, we've seen how we can use Python to write algorithms in a variety of contexts. In this sequence we will focus on the Python language itself and get an overview of the basic principles that will allow us to write our scripts. These methods are not specific to any application, and can be thought of as the basic building blocks of any algorithm. Although we will use Python in this sequence, the same principles also exist in all modern programming languages, so what you learn here can be applied even beyond your work in Python.

Note: these tutorials use only the core functionalities included within Python, and can be completed in any Python environment.


  • Variables, Lists, and Dictionaries
  • Conditionals and Loops
  • Functions and Classes
  • Working with Libraries