Intro To Grasshopper


Sequence Summary

This sequence of modules is an introduction to computational design through Grasshopper and will cover everything you need to know to get started with grasshopper, key terminology and definitions through the development of a parametric tower.

By the end of this tutorial you will use computational design modeling to facilitate informed, data driven decision making through the generation and evaluation of hundreds or thousands of design options of your parametric tower.


Grasshopper transforms the spatial modeling capabilities of Rhino from a manual process to a computationally driven one through a visual programming language that is easy to learn and can bridge to other programming languages, such as Python and C#. We'll articulate and define the computational applications, such as automation, procedural generation, and simulation, as we work through this sequence.

CDP Requirements:

  • If your are new to grasshopper do both Intro to Grasshopper and Computational Design Modeling in Grasshopper.
  • If you already know some Grasshopper review 7 Grasshopper Documentation Best Practices, create the view analysis tool in 8 Deriving Spatial Data, and review 10 Generating and Exploring Spatial Data of the Intro to Grasshopper sequence. Also complete all of the Computational Design Modeling sequence.


  1. Getting started with Grasshopper
  2. Exercise: Hello Grasshopper!
  3. Working in Grasshopper
  4. Exercise: Parametric tower (part 1)
  5. Working with data
  6. Exercise: Parametric tower (part 2)
  7. Documentation Best Practices
  8. Deriving Spatial Data
  9. Procuedural Modeling with Data
  10. Creating and Exploring a Design Space