Intro to Python

Sequence: Intro to Python

Sequence Summary:

This sequence is an introduction to the Python programming language. It covers how to get setup with the tools used for writing, editing, and executing Python code on your machine. It also covers how Python can be used for scripting within Rhino Grasshopper.


One of the most common questions asked by individuals new to writing Python code is: “What can I do with Python?”. The breadth of things you can do in Python is why it consistently appears as one of the top 5 programming languages to learn. From creating a machine learning model that predicts building energy consumption, creating a trading platform, to developing desktop games, Python is a highly versatile, general purpose programming language with a very large online community of users. In recent years many design tools have also begun to support Python as their native scripting language, meaning you can use Python to control and customize the software to your needs.As such, there are a myriad of ways to interact with Python, some better suited for certain types of tasks or disciplines.

The first module in the sequence will introduce you to the three most common tools for writing Python: Jupyter Notebooks, IDEs and the command line. The second module shows you how you can write Python code within Rhino Grasshopper to automate operations within Rhino and work with its geometry types.


  • Getting started with Python
  • Using Python in Grasshopper